Dr. Janette Nieshawat explains that the coronavirus (COVID-19) can live in on surfaces in freezing conditions for up to a few days. The Ice industry tells us that viruses can live in and on ice : https://packagedice.com/ice-consumers/
Keep your coolers Safe, Clean, COLD, and Organized with Responsible Ice™
Viruses, like Covid-19, love cold surfaces, even the surfaces of ice. Ironic, but ice or freezing is the preferred method of 'stabilizing' a virus sample. Using a Ri can help you keep a COLD, clean, dry, organized cooler that displays everything inside clearly. That is especially important when lot's of people are getting into the same cooler. When you think about it, the last thing a lot of people do right before they go to a cooler is finish that last bit of drink. They will then usually wipe their mouth with their hand. What happens next is that they fish through the cooler looking for that special drink they want, effectively 'washing' their hands in the ice/water bath. That can't be good ;-/
Each time a Ri is used, it saves the user a few dollars. Those are dollars that did not need to be spent and should be spent on something more important in ones life, especially in today's life. Most people are already paying for electricity to run their refrigerator/freezer. Utilizing that freezer to have and store your own ice is a huge money saver. We all need to use our limited income wisely and try not to waste it on things we don't have to.
Not just for coolers! The Ri is a great emergency preparedness tool. In the event of a power failure that lasts for more than a few hours, the food in your refrigerator is at risk of spoiling. If you Own a Ri, you could take the Ri out of the freezer and place it in the refrigerator and keep your food fresh for up to a few more days. Like an Old-Fashioned Ice Box! Also- look at the shape. It can be used as an emergency Cell Phone Overheating Fix. While the Ri is not sold as a phone cooler, when an Overheated Cell Phone is placed in the Ri's cavity, it usually rescues it from that overheated state in a minute or two.
Minimizing Exposure to carriers of the virus- When you Own a Ri, you can skip that stop at the store to buy ice. Every Time. We must remember that these one stop markets are the 'hubs' that have many, many people from many different areas are grabbing that same handle on the bagged ice freezer...your know the one. Anyway- you don't have to go there anymore, those are convenience stores... To get through the economic part of this Crisis, we should spend each dollar as if it were the last one we will see. You know, prepare for the worst...and then and only then, you can expect the best. But please, make sure and prepare in some way.
I am sure there are other ways the Ri can help during this Crisis and we would like to hear from you. If you have discovered a way that the Ri has helped you or can help others, please let us know. Stay Safe.
The Team at Cell Chiller.
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